Fowler Articles: Rethinking the Laundry Experience

How Long Does Commercial Laundry Equipment Last?
July 27, 2021
Apartment complexes, college dorms, and laundromats often offer laundry services. Laundry is a service paid for by tenants in rent or by laundromat customers, cycle by cycle. If provide a laundry service and aren’t sure when to replace your machines, knowing the average expectancy of commercial laundromat equipment may help.
Commercial laundromat equipment usually lasts 10-15 years, depending frequency of use. Generally, after a decade of use, it may be time to consider buying new equipment for your laundry room. The life expectancy of your laundromat equipment will largely depend on its durability and amount of use. If you take care of your machines and repair them when necessary, they may last a bit longer. After 10-15 years, even with proper upkeep, your commercial laundromat equipment may be nearing its end.
At Fowler Laundry Solutions, we understand the importance of having dependable commercial laundromat equipme

Signs You Need to Replace a Washer/Dryer Unit
July 25, 2021
Laundry is a universal chore; everyone needs to do it. For colleges and apartment buildings, laundry machines may be an amenity taken for granted. After much use, the machines may get old and temperamental. Failing laundry machines can be bad for business, especially if they’re a promised amenity to tenants. For laundromats, faulty laundry machines can cause client complaints and a loss of customers. Providing efficient, dependable laundry machines to your customers and tenants can help your business. But how do you know when it’s time for some new equipment?
There are some clear signs that it’s time to replace your washer and dryer units. When clothes aren’t getting clean or dry, there may be a larger problem with your machines. When machines are overworked and overused, they can become less efficient and need repair. Leaky washer units and old ineffective machines should be replaced. Rec

How Often Should You Change Your Building’s Laundry Equipment?
June 29, 2021
Many buildings, from apartments, hospitals, and colleges, to guest homes, inns, and nursing homes, need laundry services. While many of these buildings have dedicated, on-site laundry services, they may not be sure about how often they should change their existing laundry equipment. Many building owners think replacing their existing washers and dryers may cost a lot, and it would be impossible to update their laundry.
You should pay close attention to your laundry equipment’s condition, time of use, and any signs that may let you know it is time for a change. For instance, if your laundry equipment demands too much money in part replacements, or they cost you a lot of money in utility services, you may need to make a change and replace your old laundry equipment.
Fowler Laundry Solutions can help you choose the best, high-quality, energy-efficient laundry equipment for your building. We will provide you with all of the services you may require. To learn more about

How Do Hotels Make Sure that Linens are Clean and COVID-19 Free?
May 5, 2021
The coronavirus pandemic has led to increased scrutiny on the sanitation and cleanliness of all public and private institutions. This, of course, includes hotels – a business that sees new customers come and go every day, each one sleeping on house-issued linens. As such, keeping linens especially clean and COVID-19 free is a challenge that all hotels must confront head on.
Hotels maintain clean, COVID-19 free linens by changing sheets between guests and ensuring that all linens are adequately washed with detergent and bleach. Additionally, specially trained staff process the dirty linens, making sure that sheets are cleaned and sanitized correctly. With its heavy, daily use, hotel laundry facilities shoulder an immense burden in producing sanitized linens for guests. This means that laundry equipment is subject to non-stop use, increasing the likelihood of a mechanical breakdown.
Fowler Laundry Solutions specializes in the creation, servicing and maintenance of

What is the Best Laundry Folding Table Available?
April 25, 2021
Often an afterthought, laundry folding tables are an important piece of equipment in every laundry room. Folding tables take on even more significance in high-volume laundry rooms such as apartment buildings, dorms, and other multi-family properties. This leads to the common question of what laundry table is best for your high-volume tenant property.
Generally, it depends on both your preference and how often tenants will utilize the laundry folding table. With that said, a guiding principle in choosing the best laundry table available for your tenant property should be its durability. That means choosing a table made with long-lasting materials such as fiberglass or plastic. The laundry facility design experts at Fowler Laundry Solutions can help you choose the best folding tables for you tenant property. To learn more about selecting the best laundry folding table available for your tenant property, call our laundry experts at (800)-334-1824.
How to Choose the Bes